When asking for a reference, it is essential to note that the person whom you ask and the manner in which you ask are both equally important. You need to ensure that the particular person you are asking to give you a recommendation for employment is actually willing to do so and is also able to provide you with a good reference.
That is very essential because the references you get can make a whole lot of difference in whether or not you get the job offer. Also, you are not expected to include a person’s name as your reference without getting their permission. That is because someone who you expect to give you references necessarily has to know beforehand that there is a probability that they might be contacted as regards the reference.
When do you need a reference?
The position was that all candidates applying for a job were expected to include a list containing their references. That can be attached to a cover letter and their resume when sending in their job application or it could be requested for at a one-on-one interview. Presently some conservative industries such as law, academia, and education still require that you send in your references as you apply for the job.
However, it is important to note that it isn’t all job applications that require that. It is fast becoming the trend that your potential employers would not require you to send references. That is usually because they run on a policy that they are not supposed to give references to their employees. That policy has been birthed from the fact that dissatisfied job candidates who didn’t get new jobs sued those who provided a reference for sending in negative evaluations to potential employers.
How do you ask for a reference?
When you are asked for references for employment, you can request for that via email or by phone. Email can stand as a good option considering that if the person you are asking is not comfortable with recommending you then it would be easier for them to send an email declining that rather than by informing you over the phone.
Don’t just ask for a reference with direct questions. Ask open-ended questions such as if the person is comfortable with writing a reference for you or if they could give you a positive reference. That question isn’t close-ended and if the person feels he or she isn’t in a right place to give the recommendation, then the person can easily make that known to you.
When you get a positive response, then offer to send them an updated resume or sharing your LinkedIn profile with them. Also, you can provide them with relevant information on your experiences and skills. That way, you provide your reference with relevant and current information about your job history as well as your skills. You should also find out time to keep in touch with them.
Asking for a Reference on LinkedIn
It is quite easy to ask for a recommendation through the LinkedIn messaging app. When requesting for a recommendation, ask that person to give you a recommendation if they are able to and if they are actually changed to. That way, it’s easier for them to decline should they not want to give you the reference probably because their company policy doesn’t permit that or they are of the opinion that they don’t really know you enough to give you a recommendation.
Number of References Required
Averagely, employers expect you to have a list of 3 references. You should have a minimum of 3 to 4 references who are ready and willing to give you a recommendation. That extra person is to remain handy should it happen that your prospective employer is unable to immediately reach other references.
Creation of Reference List
As soon as you have those you want as references, the next thing is to create a list that contains their names, their job titles and also their contact information. You should print out the list so you can take them for job interviews or to send to the who request for it as part of the job application process.
However, when prospective employers don’t ask for the references, then don’t send one. Don’t put yourself at the risk of the reference not writing a good review for you or the prospective employer doubting the credibility of the reference.
The best time to send forth your references still remains after the personal interview when you must have gotten the interest of the employer based on the strength of your resume as well as your professional background.