Are you looking for the right career opportunities? Do you know how a career webinar can help?
A career webinar is like a career fair held over video conferencing. So instead of physically meeting people, you e-meet them and discuss opportunities. Such webinars can help you to attain immense information while developing the right kind of connections.
Unsplash | A career webinar can help you attain immense information while developing the right kind of connections
But how can you make such an event worth your while? Simply registering won’t suffice. You’ll need to know exactly what to do if you want to achieve your desired results.
Here are the best-proven tips you must follow before attending a career-oriented webinar.
Dress to impress
Yes, people do notice! Dressing right is the best way to make a lasting impression. And here, knowing the industry will give an edge. Though formals will do great, one thing that will never fail is business casuals. You can gain more attention and trust that way since they’re neither too serious nor too trivial.
Read – How to Dress for Success
Make a strategy and plan well
A perfect strategy is what you need to make the most out of the webinar. Get a good idea about the companies you wish to target and find out how to reach them quickly. Rushing into random discussions will only waste your time and energy. Think strategically and plan well to tap the right companies in limited time.
Unsplash | Before attending, prepare your strategy and plan which companies you wish to approach
Accept whatever comes your way and move ahead
Though a career webinar is full of opportunities, not everyone makes it through. So it would be best if you stay prepared for a few rejections. You might end up finding out that you’re not the right person for a particular role (or for several roles). In such a situation, be resilient and remind yourself that you’re surrounded by opportunities. It's all about trying, and there’ll be much more scope if not this.
Develop connections
Do you know who can achieve heights in this world? A person who has contacts with the right people! Webinars can help you ace at networking. Make it a point to reach out to the right people at your coveted companies. Get their contact and get in touch with them even after the event to establish a personal touch.
Don't hesitate to follow-up
Do you know that follow up is much more effective than you think? A subtle way of making an impression is giving them a follow-up call. Why not ask when they will have another webinar? Here's the time you can stand out. With numerous students in the crowd, not everyone will follow up, but you can.
Unsplash | Follow-up is often underrated. Don't think twice before making a follow-up call to companies, it can often lead to something positive
Read – Make Sure your Follow-up Call is a Success
Wrapping it up
A lot of opportunities will come your way. You need to master the art of strategic thinking to make the maximum out of them. At a career webinar, plan well and use the allotted time effectively. And don’t forget to develop connections. It will take you a long way.