David Hole is a golddigger from Australia who dedicated his time to explore the area of Maryborough. Prospecting for gold is an arduous job and David has been at it for quite a while. Then one day, an exciting discovery made him believe that he just might have found what he was looking for.
David had indeed found something very valuable, even more so than the precious metal he set out to find initially. However, years would go by before he realized what it truly was. He would need to look for outside help to learn the true gravity of his discovery. Keep reading to find out more about David’s unique story.
David Hole Liked To Hunt for Gold
David Hole was a prospector who was focused on finding a very specific precious metal. If he were to fulfill his quest, he would attain a level of affluence which he greatly desired. Therefore, this adventure had become more than a hobby for Hole, but he didn’t put all his hopes in a random find.
David carried out research to uncover where he was most likely to find what he was looking for. He lived in Australia, a place where prior hunters had found golden nuggets, which was David's mission as well. He then determined the best location to begin his search.
He Chose Maryborough For His Explorations
Prospecting is a very common activity in certain parts of Australia and these areas are quite attractive to the residents who live nearby. However, even people from other parts of the country travel to these various locations in hopes of finding the precious metal.
The Victorian Fields are some of the most popular locations for this activity. In Maryborough, there are different zones in which one could spend up to months exploring. David chose Maryborough as the ideal place for his search and in 2015, he would make a find that changed everything.
An Extraordinary Discovery
It was 2015 and David was doing his regular search, as it had become routine for him. Suddenly, he uncovered something. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing; David had found a large and heavy rock that he was hopeful would have a golden core.
He decided to take it home to study it better. After seeing it from all angles and probably thanking his lucky stars, he made a decision. He would need to cut the rock to find what was inside. David was confident, but he had no idea as to what was awaiting him.
David Found He Was Unable To Cut Into The Rock
David made all the necessary preparations and he got his instruments ready. He got started with a rock saw, but it didn’t work. Later, he tried to use an angle grinder, with similarly unsuccessful results. As time went by, David would try different methods, trying to crack through the rock.
One of his extreme measures was using a sledgehammer but not even this powerful tool was able to make a dent. David was baffled and he had absolutely no idea what to do next. He decided to try the most extreme of measures in hopes of successfully find what was inside the rock.
Years Went By And He Couldn’t Crack The Rock
Hole was determined, and after much consideration, he decided to try the last resort. When all other options were exhausted, he resolved that he would dip the rock into acid. He thought that this would work for sure, but unfortunately, it didn’t. David was in over his head and out of options.
All of these attempts took place over a number of years. David became hopeless and began questioning the authenticity of his discovery. Was this worth all the effort? Yet he just knew, something was not normal about that rock. Therefore, he decided to get expert help to uncover this mystery.
The Melbourne Museum Was David’s Last Hope
David realized that he couldn’t do this on his own. Therefore, he took the rock to be investigated by the Melbourne Museum. He figured that something was not quite common with his finding and maybe a geologist could explain to him what he needed to do.
Hole had big hopes that the mystery would be solved once and for all. Maybe with the right tools, he would get to access the treasure he hoped was hidden inside. David didn’t know he was bringing something that was this priceless to the museum, but he wouldn’t be getting any money from it.
The Melbourne Museum Was Keenly Interested
The Melbourne Museum is part of the Museums Victoria, which is the largest museum organization in the United States. David’s decision to bring his rock to the Melbourne Museum was wise, as one of their main research areas is that of geological findings in the Victorian terrain.
Furthermore, this terrain is very helpful in providing an understanding of the geological processes that the Earth has gone through. These scientists had gone to university to learn more about this field of study and they were David’s best bet. They too were glad to receive his finding.
They Needed To Perform Tests
The first thing they told Dave was that they would need to do some studies on the specimen he had brought. This could take some time, considering that they often received findings like this. After years of trying to figure out the mystery, we can imagine David didn’t mind waiting a bit longer, especially, on the expertise of the researchers.
Thankfully, the scientists didn’t have to spend too long examining the rock to establish a theory. They knew exactly what to do to confirm the details of this discovery and were able to explain to David what was going on. However, they would need one of the hardest tools to do so.
Only A Diamond Saw Could Cut The Rock
The Melbourne Museum was equipped for this type of situation. They had a diamond saw that could cut through anything; this rock was not the exception, and the interior was soon revealed. There was no golden prize as David had expected, but their findings were invaluable nonetheless.
What they had found was a meteorite! These types of discoveries are immeasurable due to the vast information we can gain from them. However, this meant that David would have to leave making money from this discovery out of the picture. While important, no cash would come from this finding.
One Of The Scientists Knew Immediately
There’s something to be said about experience and knowledge; one of the geologists at the museum, Dr. Bill Birch, knew what it was as soon as he saw the rock. Or more exactly, right after he lifted it and got a feeling of how much it weighed.
According to his statements, no Earth rock of that size would weigh so much. Dr. Birch is one of the top geologists at the Melbourne Museum and he has ample experience in examining various elements and differentiating some findings from others. The dense formations in its core are the reason for its weight.
Their Findings Were Mindblowing
Something that can be a bit incomprehensible for many people is how old this rock was. Dave found it in 2015, but this meteorite came into existence billions of years ago. More specifically, 4.6 billion years ago. This means that long before humanity existed, this meteorite was somewhere out there.
Furthermore, as Dr. Dermot Henry established at the museum, university courses teach that this coincides with the formation of the solar system. When they cut it with the diamond saw, they observed that silicate minerals filled the interior. These minerals had crystallized during the formation of our system.
Hole Hadn’t Realized How Rare His Finding Was
According to both geologists, Henry and Birch, this is not a common finding at all. The Museum receives thousands of rocks and samples brought by people who think they have found a meteorite. Henry has been working at the museum for over 30 years, and they only have two recorded meteorite discoveries.
David’s rock was one of these two cases brought during Henry’s time at the museum. This means that, despite it being disappointing for David that he wouldn't be able to make that trip to the bank, it was still a unique find. Its rarity is only one of the characteristics that make it so very special.
A Paper Describing Hole’s Finding Was Published
Like many researchers, Birch and Henry were eager to publish these findings. It’s a way to put this discovery on record as well as share the news with the scientific community. It’s only through this type of open communication that most scientific advances are made.
In the paper, they thoroughly described the characteristics of the meteorite. Furthermore, they compared it with other meteorites found in Victoria. It was the third of its kind to be found in the area and the second heaviest due to its internal density. Thanks to high-end technology and talented research analysts, the world of science uncovered a new phenomenon.
Meteorites Are A Great Way to Explore Space Without Actually Going There
According to Dr. Henry, meteorites are one of the most affordable ways to explore space. Thanks to these valuable rocks, we can learn a lot about the universe without boarding a space shuttle. A vast amount of knowledge for little to no investment.
Learning about the components of the meteorite as well as determining facts about its past through different tools, can be very eye-opening. Furthermore, they allow for the confirmation of many theories as well as the emergence of others. Meteorites can even teach us a great deal about ourselves.
Meteorites Might Provide Insight Into Earth’s Formation
This specific meteorite was likely formed during the emergence of the solar system. Therefore, it is believed to have been there when the Earth was starting to form. This means that by studying its components and structure, we can get further insight into how the Earth developed into a highly functional planet.
Other meteorites even predate the solar system. However, these can hardly provide us with information regarding our planet’s past but they can provide data on the formation of stars as well as their evolution. We can examine many things and even write books with the valuable information gathered from these discoveries for the sake of the advancement of future generations.
The Lack of Weathering Spoke Volumes
Another factor that gave clues as to the age and nature of the meteorite was its external appearance. It was obvious that it had suffered some changes due to the process of entering our atmosphere. This gave it a dimpled appearance. However, there was a distinct lack of weathering.
The lack of weathering meant that the meteorite couldn’t have been on Earth for that long. The wrinkles and dents do make the rock look ancient, however, they would need further studies to be able to determine an estimated time of arrival to Earth.
Even Life Precursors Can Be Found In Meteorites
It is unclear if this is the case with the Maryborough meteorite, however, in rare instances, the study of meteorites yields unsettling findings, such as organic matter like amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of life and they are everywhere in our bodies.
These molecules are the base structure of proteins and we can naturally produce some of them while others, we have to receive from our nutrition. Finding them in meteorites could help in understanding when life started to take place and when these amino acids came into existence.
It Probably Originated From Places We Can Only Dream Of Visiting (For Now)
For ages, scientists have researched Mars. Humanity has been wanting to find a way to visit the red planet for decades. Therefore, there’s currently a big effort being exerted by high-powered companies to make this possible. However, it seems, the Maryborough meteorite has been there and done that.
According to the experts at the Melbourne Museum, there’s a likely theory regarding the origins of the meteorite. They believe it formed in an asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter and that some sort of accident made it separate from the rest of the surrounding masses.
Numerous Events Had To Occur For This Meteorite To Reach Earth
After the formation of the solar system, this rock fragment must have become part of an asteroid. If it indeed was part of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, it might have been there for millions of years. However, these belts are not entirely stable.
This lack of stability causes asteroids to crash against each other constantly and results in these fragments getting dislodged and released into space; which is possibly what happened to the Maryborough meteorite. After an unknown amount of time, it arrived on Earth, during a period where there was no camera to constantly record these occurrences.
The Meteorite Consisted Of Many Different Materials
The density of the meteorite is what gives it its weight. The elements it is comprised of are many but the main one is iron, which aids in its classification. Nickel was also apart of its composition. Furthermore, this meteorite is one of the most common types of studied rocks of its kind.
Additionally, other minerals and metals form clusters inside of it, which are called chondrules. These are found throughout the meteorite, giving it the rest of its structure. These chondrules were likely a result of the high heat present during the formation of the solar system.
The Meteorite Predates Humanity
According to the additional studies made on the meteorite, its estimated date of landing on Earth is approximately 200 years ago. They achieved this conclusion by studying the weathering. However, this estimate is highly variable and it could be as old as 1000 years by some evaluations.
While no one alive would’ve seen it landing, either way, there might have been records of it. This is why the Museum focused on finding testimonies that recorded any type of sighting which might correspond with the arrival of the meteorite. While going through books and records, they found one.
It Might Have Been Seen By Someone When It Landed
This sighting doesn’t quite match the estimated time for the landing of the meteorite, however, it’s the closest one available. Therefore, there’s a theory that the person who provided this eye-witness account may have seen the Maryborough meteorite. The person reporting it through a letter was Harry Hallett.
Hallett addressed a letter to The Argus, a newspaper, explaining his experience. This took place in August of 1923 when he saw a dazzling meteor falling. Hallett, who was tending to the well-being of his horses, reported that the fall of the meteor frightened the animals deeply.
Meteorites Are Part Of Our Planet's History
Meteorites can vary widely in size. David’s discovery was one of the largest ones found in Victoria. However, there have been meteorites of all sizes falling on Earth since immemorial times. Some theories indicate that a huge meteorite fell on the region of what is now Mexico.
According to researchers, this landing could’ve been responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs back then, which is one of the largest species extinctions known to man. Therefore, it’s a good thing that the Maryborough meteorite wasn’t as large as this and no one was put in danger.
The Meteorite Is Now On Public Display At The Museum
The main goal of museums is to preserve invaluable items. However, another aim is to make it known to the public, so that they can marvel at the various discoveries. This is a strategy to get people interested in history and a dynamic way for people to get a better education about the world.
The Melbourne Museum is no exception. This is why they will be putting this meteorite on display in August of 2019. After obtaining as much information as possible from it, it will be set for public viewing. The Maryborough meteorite went from obscurity to being the center of attraction in a year.
David Made No Riches But He Contributed to Science
Although David Hole’s goal to find fortune and become an opulent prospector did not come to fruition, his discovery is still significant. The way in which he unexpectedly found the Maryborough meteorite makes this story all the more special. And now, his discovery is out for everyone to see.
Thanks to David, science now has further evidence regarding the nature of meteorites. Furthermore, they continue to develop new techniques for studying these rocks every day. And, who knows what other secrets the Maryborough might reveal in a not so distant future?